Learn More About Rebuilt Carburetors

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A lоt of vehiсlе ownеrѕ tend not tо underѕtаnd whаt а cаrburеtоr іѕ yеt еven ѕо іt doеѕn't hurt to lеarn а lіttle bit аbоut whаt а саrburеtor iѕ and alsо whаt іt dоеs.  Knowing а bіt abоut саrburеtorѕ can еаsily gо а long waу when or іf yours will break dоwn. You might nоt bе еquірped to fіx brоkеn cаrburеtor bу yourѕelf but аt the vеry leаѕt уоu will сomрrеhеnd whаt thе tеchnісіаns are speаkіng аbout whеn theу dіagnоѕe your сarburеtоr. Liѕted below аre а fеw kеу fаctѕ аbout саrburetоrs.

A Carburetor? What Is That?

A carburetor is a device in a car or marine vehicle that combines air with fuel which are featured in internal combustion types of engines. However, newer car models do not use carburetors in their engines.  Many use fuel injection engines while older models built prior to the 1980s  use carburetors, especially small engine and specialized vehicles. Cars in today's market use electronic, computerized fuel injectors.

Many high performance cars or vehicles with more than four cylinders could use more than one carburetors but in general, many use just one carburetor. So what is the purpose of a carburetor?

The Bernoulli Principle states that moving air exudes lower pressure than air that is not moving meaning that the faster the air travels, the lower the pressure becomes.  A car's throttle controls the amount of air it lets into the carburetor.  The carburetor creates a vacuum that draws fuel into the carburetor and lets air flow quicker.

When it comes to repair work that is done on the carburetor, it is necessary to learn not only what is wrong with it but also what is needed to repair it and why that is. When you understand how the carburetor works, you can get a better idea of what is needed to repair it. And, you will need to consult a professional if the task is beyond you because not repairing the carburetor correctly can and does lead to more serious problems with the engine down the road.

Carburetor Manufacturers

There are many different carburetor manufacturers in the market and many specialize in specific areas or the type of engine they make and sell.  If you're in the market for a new carburetor, below is a list.

  • Autolite - Manufacturer for Ford carburetors

  • Hitachi, Keihin or Mikui - Manufacturer for Japanese vehicles carburetors

  • Rochester Carburetor - Manufacturer for GM carburetors

Alternatively, purchasing a rebuilt carburetor would be a more economical way to rebuilding your vehicle.

Read more:  Rebuilt Carburetors, Carburetors Explained
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